Unsuspecting gay pride tattoo

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There is no guarantee that this prestigious teaching hospital will remain in Augusta in its current form. If Augusta cannot be made 'cool,' then 'cool' will be found elsewhere. This often-criticized man has a vision for what Augusta should be, befitting a major teaching hospital. Also, certain people who are attracted to the cityĭefiantly urinate or defecate in public places without being challenged, arrested or run out of town.ĭowntown Augusta is nowhere near being 'cool,' as Georgia Health Sciences University President Ricardo Azziz seeks. Below-street-level parking areas are havens for criminals to prey on the unsuspecting. Overflowing trash cans and the stench of decaying buildings are almost overwhelming. It is almost like law enforcement leadership in Richmond County has surrendered to the bad elements. A cop on a bicycle is hardly a deterrent. My family, friends and I would not be caught downtown after dark. I see this often, on weekends especially.

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The absence of law enforcement, even during the day, is alarming.

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I say this with respect to the many fine proprietors there. Downtown Augusta is a decaying, filthy and lawless place.

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